Device Level

SCPI on Device Level

The commands listed below apply to the entire general configuration of the eLABin1. For each of the 5 instruments that make it up, these commands perform configurations throughout the system, unlike the specific commands for each instrument.

Common Commands

The following Common Commands apply to the entire configuration of the eLABin1 when the main screen is the view in foreground. As Common Commands are based in the current context, they apply to the current instrument, when the current view is the main screen. Commands apply for the entire configuration of the eLABin1.

Table 1. Common Commands
Command Description
*RST Resets all the eLABin1 to their default values, default values for each instrument and general default values.
*WAI The Wait-to-continue (WAI) command causes the eLABin1 to wait until all pending commands are completed, before executing any other commands.
*IDN? Asks the eLABin1 to identify itself.
*SAV {A|B|C|D} Saves the total state of the eLABin1.

Other Control Commands

Table 2. Other Control Commands
Command Example 1 Example 2 Description
LOAD:STATe {A|B|C|D} LOAD:STAT B LOAD:STAT C Loads the storaged data on the specified memory state.